Saturday, May 2, 2009

Advanced Rock Compentency Test

My Advanced Rock competency test at Horsethief Butte did not start out well.  I just could not place the six pieces of rock protection within the allotted time frame.  At one point I hung my head, discouraged at this bad start.  Then something in me clicked and I rallied.

The point of the Competency Test was to see if we were ready to lead climb at Smith Rock in two weeks.  We were tested on placing rock protection, building anchors, and protecting a traverse.  We would also have to do a lead climb, with the coordinators climbing up after us evaluating the protection that we placed.  We also had to set up a multidirectional anchor and prepare ourselves to belay a climber up after us.  Everything was timed.  We would have the chance to retake a portion if need be. 

In the beginning it looked like it was going to be a rainy day out at Horsethief Butte.  But the sun came out and we had a brilliant day.  Perhaps that is best how to describe how my day went.  

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